Elizabeth Nardi is the CEO of Organically Grown Company, the largest distributor of organic produce in the Pacific Northwest. For the past 40+years, the company’s progressive and entrepreneurial spirit has fueled its mission and growth, meeting the demand for organics in the marketplace while supporting its community of farmers, and most recently becoming owned by the Sustainable Food & Agriculture Perpetual Purpose Trust. Prior to OGC, Elizabeth held retail leadership positions at Guido's Fresh Marketplace and New Seasons Market. In her early career Elizabeth worked with the Northeast Organic Farming Association and the Pure Food Campaign, and at Center for Food Safety where she lobbied as a grassroots organizer on issues ranging from labeling milk from cows treated with growth hormone (rBGH) to the regulation of genetically engineered foods. She also worked for Senator Patrick Leahy, cosponsor of the historic National Organic Foods Production Act.
Elizabeth Nardi
Presenter Affiliation:
Organically Grown Company
, OR