Audio Recordings of EcoFarm 2016 Now Available!
Did you miss a workshop or couldn't attend the conference this year? You can now stream and download over 60 of the conference workshop recordings! Check out the list of workshops included in the package here.
- Go to eco-farm.org/conference/
get-audio-access, complete the simple form and pay $70 with your credit card to get the audio package of over 60 workshops recordings. You’ll then receive an email with login information. - Follow the link and create a password on our website, then follow the links for Audio Access.
- Thereafter, you can go to eco-farm.org/user, enter your username and password and be taken straight to the downloads page.
- Note - if you pre-purchased the Audio Recordings Package, you should have already recently received an email with download instructions.
- Single workshops not sold separately.
- For questions, contact Deborah.
Calling all Artists!
Art by 2016 Conference Artist Kim Hamblin of Roshambo Art Farm
Attention artists! EcoFarm is putting out the call to artists interested in producing next year's conference artwork. Each conference year has its own theme, represented through the art produced by visual artists of all types. In exchange for their artistic work, conference artists receive significant exposure, conference days, and a small honorarium. Completed artwork is due in June of this year. If you or someone you know might be interested, please have them contact Deborah.
Congratulations to the Winner of the EcoFarm Conference Evaluation Drawing!
A big thanks to all who took the time to fill out an evaluation of the 2016 conference and share valuable feedback to help us plan next year's conference. One random drawing winner receives a free conference day pass with meals in 2017. This year's winner is Jake Smith of Avila Farms in San Luis Obispo! Congratulations to Jake, who runs the farm for Avila Valley Barn. The Avila Valley Barn sits on 46 acres in the beautiful Avila Valley of San Luis Obispo. It began as a single table and umbrella placed along Avila Beach Drive to beckon those passing by. Eventually, it grew and became home to a country bakery, jams, jellies, hand-crafted gifts and a deli. It is truly a family owned and operated business. The farm has 22 acres cropped with apples, pears, apricots, peaches, berries, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, herbs, flowers and much more which keeps the operation busy year round. Being a diversified business, the Avila Valley Barn also presses its own apple cider and finds a use for almost all the crops that, for one reason or another, might not make it to market. Several conservation practices have been implemented, which include an upgraded irrigation system to more efficiently supply water, owl boxes, and over 1000ft of hedgerow which has been planted to provide habitat and forage opportunities for beneficial insects. Cows are now being used to graze living cover crops.