Have you wanted to use more organic seeds in your operation? Wished you had more viable open-pollinated varieties adapted to your soil and regional climate? Something special to offer your customers? Organic Seed Alliance (OSA) invites certified organic farmers to participate in a national seed survey. This national survey is only conducted every five years to monitor organic seed use and availability, challenges in sourcing organic seed, and organic plant breeding needs. The survey also seeks to address and inform the organic community’s understanding of the barriers and opportunities in improving organic seed systems in the U.S.
The Ecological Farming Association (EFA) is working with the newly formed Farmers' Association to develop a Central Coast Seed Growers Coop as a model for seed cooperatives far and wide. Completing this survey will also help EFA and OSA support farmers interested in sourcing organic seed as well as those interested in the business of growing seed.
Your responses are voluntary and will be held confidential by Organic Seed Alliance. EFA will not see your specific responses as they will not be identified by individual or farm. All responses will be compiled and analyzed as a group, tracked by zip code. Even if you currently do not use organic seed, we strongly encourage you to respond to this survey.
You can access the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/C69VQ75 The deadline for responding is October 3, 2014. Thank you for taking 20 minutes to respond to this vital assessment.
To learn more about the Farmers' Association and the development of the Seed Growers Coop, please email EFA: fellows@eco-farm.org