Submit your favorite portrait photos to be featured in a show curated for the 40th EcoFarm Conference!
The show, Who We Are: Farmers in Their Own Image, is intended to reflect our common circumstances and to recognize our shared identity as we feed our communities far and wide. The photos will be featured at EcoFarm's Opening Night Art Show on Wednesday, January 22 and at another forum during the conference.
Instagram and social media have provided farmers and ranchers an opportunity to communicate internationally with one another in a way that has never been possible before. We share our vision, our dreams, our sorrows, and our hope for a better agriculture and a better world.
"Over the years that I’ve used Instagram, I’ve been inspired by the beauty you’ve created, by your tenacity and perseverance against odds, by your relationships among your family, and by your gorgeous farms and ranches, not to mention your beautiful produce and livestock. I look forward to sharing you and our common vision!"
- Alan Haight of Riverhill Farm, curator,"Who We Are: Farmers in Their Own Image"
Submit your photos to Who We Are: Farmers in Their Own Image.
Deadline extension: Submissions due by January 6, 2019 to be considered for inclusion.
For questions contact Alan at alanhaight@sbcglobal.net