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“Grazing Sheep in Perennial Crop Systems” was a popular workshop at EcoFarm 2019 that featured Paicines Ranch vineyard manager Kelly Mulville and Nathan Stuart, shepherd at Tablas Creek Vineyard, who both touted the benefits of sheep grazing for managing ecosystem health and increasing profitability in perennial systems. Some of the benefits of sheep grazing that Stuart described include eradicating unwanted weeds like mustards to leave room for clover and other desired vegetation, and the creation of manure that sequesters carbon into the soil, increasing soil health...Read more
We would like to express heartfelt gratitude to all who contributed to EcoFarm's 2019 Scholarship Campaign. Together we raised $34,000 dollars, - surpassing our goal and making it possible for 113 scholars to attend EcoFarm Conference! Special appreciation to all who gave in memory of Tom Mello, Debby Zygielbaum, and to the Dusty Farmer Memorial Scholarship Fund. EcoFarm Conference provides farmers and ranchers a strong foundation and vibrant network of community, mentors and co-conspirators, supporting their future in food, fiber, and farming year-round. Learn more...Read more
Audibly attend EcoFarm all year long. Stream or download 130+ audio recordings from both EcoFarm Conference 2019 and 2018 for only $70. Audio subscribers will be notified by email with instructions to listen in the next couple of weeks when the recordings are ready.Read more
Watch now - Videos of Keynotes from the 39th EcoFarm Conference! Empowering our Communities to Transform the Food System Malaika Bishop, Denisa Livingston, and Karen Washington Diversity is Key - What 40 Years of Science tell us about Organic Agriculture Dr. Kris Nichols, Dr. John Reganold Successful Organic Farmers Marney Blair & Lisa Bjorn, Chanowk & Judith Yisrael, Thomas Broz Soil and Your Inner Power Nikki SilvestriRead more
Female growers and innovators are featured at 2019 EcoFarm Conference. By Amy Wu Even in the 21st century, the image of the modern-day farmer often centers on overalls, pitchforks, and the image of the “farmer” as a man steering the tractor. While the image remains reality to an extent, agriculture is fast extending into a new generation of women growers and innovators, who are carving a path in agtech, science, and research while others are running their own enterprise. As a journalist, who specializes in telling stories about women leaders in farming, I am delighted...Read more
The 39th Ecological Farming Conference will start off with an in-depth look into the foundation of healthy farming systems: soil health and fertility. Vibrant soil is found at the intersection of biological, physical, and chemical parameters that shape the ability of plants to thrive and produce abundant and nutritious crops. Growers can influence the parameters to achieve superior results for plant growth and crop health. The first part of the double session will detail how to interpret soil mineral analyses to target which amendments are the best for specific crops...Read more
The Ecological Farming Association will present the Steward of Sustainable Agriculture Awards (Susties), the Advocates for Social Justice in Sustainable Agriculture Awards (Justies), and the Golden Pliers Award at the EcoFarm Awards Dinner Banquet on Friday, January 25 as part of the 39th EcoFarm Conference. The Sustie Award honors those who have been actively and critically involved in ecologically-sustainable agriculture and have demonstrated their long term, significant contributions to the well-being of agriculture and the planet. The Justie Award honors those who...Read more
Take a sneak peek at this year's menu, designed by Asilomar’s executive chef Greg Lepesh and sourced from our community of farmers, ranchers, and food artisans. Join us! Meal tickets may be be purchased as part of your EcoFarm Conference registration . Wednesday Lunch 12:00 - 2:00PM Posole (BL/Gf/V) Baja Salad (Veg/Gf/V) Jalapeno Dressing (Veg/V/Gf) Roasted Pork (M) Roast Tofu-Veggie (Gf/S/V) Fruit n Nut Power Bars (Veg/D/E) Wednesday Dinner 6:00 - 8:00PM Heirloom Tomato Salad(Gf/V) Shepherds Pie (M/D/W) George’s Curry (BL/N/W/V) Papaya Chutney(Veg/C/W) Greek &...Read more
By Rebecca North We live in trying times, and now more than ever, we need to create support systems. None of us can go it alone, and we hope the Advancing Equity in Ecological Farming Pre-Conference will change the way you think about how farming is defined in the 21st century, as we creatively problem solve and strategize how to build each other up and change things at a local level. Join us on Wednesday, January 23, 2019, to examine the intersectionality of community building, identity, and farming, and to connect, organize, and learn. The Pre-Conference will be...Read more
Moving forward in a dynamic and ever changing ecosystem, the focus on regenerative agriculture management is gaining acknowledgement as having a significant impact on the climate change issues we face in this country and around the world. Join us at EcoFarm again this year as we explore regenerative practices in several conference workshops and an exciting, hands-on, all inclusive, gender neutral, Women in Regenerative Ag pre-conference at Paicines Ranch. Paicines Ranch Field Day at EcoFarm 2018. Photo by Ben Kerrick. The answer is, indeed, beneath our feet. In...Read more
