Can you deny the excitement on the faces of this year's EcoFarm scholar applicants? We can't either. That's why we are working to raise the funds to send 'em to the 36th annual EcoFarm Conference and that's where you come in! Your generous donation will not only help make this possible, it will also actualize the growing community of farmers, educators, farmworkers, activists, and students working to build a thriving, sustainable food and farming system.
EcoFarm Scholars receive a single conference day. EcoFarm Fellows receive a full EcoFarm Conference with meals and lodging as well as a Pre-Conference and membership in the Ecological Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (EFRA). Your generous donations will directly sponsor their attendance and opportunity for success.
Support the endeavors of these inspiring EcoFarmers by donating to the Scholarship & Fellowship Fund. Please share this with your friends, family, and networks!
The Ecological Farming Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations received are tax-deductible.
Register now for the 36th EcoFarm Conference and stay at the Asilomar Conference Grounds for the full EcoFarm experience! Double and Triple rooms are still available by registering online and a limited number of Single rooms are available by request through our registrar: ecofarm@planitnow.com