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Cultivating Diversity

The Ecological Farming Association is pleased to share the meaning of the theme “Cultivating Diversity” that was chosen for the 2017 EcoFarm Conference.

While diversity is a fundamental feature of ecologically resilient farming, this year’s theme goes beyond the farm, speaking to human diversity. This year we honor the diversity of the many different ways to grow, tend, and care for our environment, as well as the unique and diverse individuals who do that work.

EcoFarm wants to acknowledge the systemic racism and inequities in our socio-economic and political structures that exist particularly against people of color and members of the LGBTQI community.

The EcoFarm Board, Staff, and Planning Committee want to make the conference a welcoming and safe space for all, with the hope that one day our conference will more accurately reflect the demographic makeup of California and the nation. Furthermore we would also like to acknowledge the struggle, perseverance, and hard work that people of color have made towards improving the availability of healthy food, educating of our youth, and reforming our political systems.

In an effort to achieve a more inclusive culture at EcoFarm, we have established a Diversity Advisory Group which has set up immediate and long term goals for the upcoming conference, and those to come.

Goals include re-examining, changing and improving:

  • Diversity make-up of the EcoFarm board, staff, and Planning Committee
  • Content and bilingualism of conference workshops, discussion groups, and speakers
  • Scholarship program, its reach and its purpose
  • Conference menu
  • Entertainment / music

We are openly seeking suggestions and assistance in achieving this goal together as a community. We ask that you invite your friends and colleagues who may be new to EcoFarm to come to the conference this year. Please also share your ideas, donate to EcoFarm and scholarship program, and join us at the 37th annual EcoFarm Conference, January 25-28, 2017.

The EcoFarm Team