Lots of people have told you that you need financial records for your farm. But where do you start, and which is the most important? This session will describe an approach to farm financial recordkeeping that begins with what you need to write down that is essential for farm business success. Basic financial skills don't have to derail your enthusiasm for getting out there and farming. But to assure that you know what farm business resources you need to start with, what mid-season problems might pop up, and what year-end results to expect there is a need to understand how to manage from plans and keep appropriate records.This session will start with the small farm manager's perspective of recordkeeping for business success, then cover what records and information are needed for applying for a loan from a farm lender's perspective. The goal is to make recordkeeping understandable, practical, and accessible to even the most number-phobic farmer out there.
D | 10:30 am
Hearth Living Room
Gary Matteson
Presenter Affiliation:
Farm Credit