The sun, soil, and, glory called you to the farmer’s vocation; a well-organized desk might just keep you there.
Join the Farmers Guild along with educators and local farm experts for a two-day series of workshops to prepare new and aspiring entrepreneurs aiming to make an honest living growing our food. From business planning to marketing, record keeping to understanding regulations, these workshops are the perfect supplement to real, on-farm experience. Whether you’re getting ready to start your own operation or you’re in your first few years of production, our entrepreneurial intensive provides an interactive learning experience alongside peers aspiring towards the same goal of sustaining themselves with sustainable agriculture.
This program is specifically designed for specialty crop producers: vegetable, fruit, nut, etc.
In addition to the workshops, attendees will join a state-wide network of beginning farmers who have completed the same intensive, giving you peer-to-peer community support to keep you inspired and on track.
Registration: $45 (lunch included both days, organic lunch on Wednesday)