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It is the time of year to begin organizing for next year's EcoFarm Conference. And we need your input! Did this year's conference get you thinking about topics that would make an impactful workshop or discussion group? What topics should be expounded upon to support the success of farmers seeking a triple-bottom-line for the benefit of people, planet and profit? We want to hear from you. Share your ideas for consideration in EcoFarm's workshop and speaker selection process. We welcome your suggestions through June 15, 2016 via our online Workshop Suggestion Form ...Read more
Audio Recordings of EcoFarm 2016 Now Available! Did you miss a workshop or couldn't attend the conference this year? You can now stream and download over 60 of the conference workshop recordings! Check out the list of workshops included in the package here. Go to get-audio-access , complete the simple form and pay $70 with your credit card to get the audio package of over 60 workshops recordings. You’ll then receive an email with login information. Follow the link and create a password on our website, then follow the links for Audio Access...Read more
Honored with Awards at the 36th annual EcoFarm Conference The annual Awards Ceremony is a yearly highlight of the annual EcoFarm Conference. This year, the Stewards of Sustainable Agriculture Award, also known as the “Sustie" was awarded to Frank and Karen Morton, Susan Clark, and Ken Kimes and Sandra Ward. The Advocate of Social Justice Award or the "Justie" was awarded to The Homeless Garden Project and accepted by Executive Director Darrie Ganzhorn. Tessa Ramsay was honored with the "Golden Pliers" award, honoring those that are always ready to roll up their...Read more
See you at EcoFarm Conference Jan 20–23, 2016! If you missed online registration, not to worry. You can register onsite at the Asilomar Conference Grounds starting this Wednesday, January 20th at 7am. Check out the schedule here . This year's conference theme is about "Regenerating." We gather to regenerate our lands, water, communities, and planet. Sometimes we need rejuvenation ourselves in order to become effective stewards. Consider doing this at EcoFarm where you can dip your toes in the turquoise waves or stroll about the gorgeous cypress trees on the way to...Read more
Can you deny the excitement on the faces of this year's EcoFarm scholar applicants? We can't either. That's why we are working to raise the funds to send 'em to the 36th annual EcoFarm Conference and that's where you come in! Your generous donation will not only help make this possible, it will also actualize the growing community of farmers, educators, farmworkers, activists, and students working to build a thriving, sustainable food and farming system. EcoFarm Scholars receive a single conference day. EcoFarm Fellows receive a full EcoFarm Conference with meals and...Read more
Let's support the potential of triple-bottom-line farmers like Kelly Bradford of Old House Farm. Donate to EcoFarm's Scholarship & Fellowship Fund today! Kelly was awarded a Fellowship to attend the EcoFarm Conference in 2013. She's been helping to shape the Ecological Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (EFRA) ever since, which she recounts here, as featured in EcoFarm's annual newsletter. "In February 2014, the Ecological Farming Association working with the EcoFarm Farmer Fellows initiated a new farmers' association, now formally known as the Ecological Farmers...Read more
Beginning Farmer Asks: I have successfully completed a small business savings program and now have $6,000 to purchase a used tractor that I will be able to use in a future farming enterprise. Besides our local tractor dealers and Craigslist, are there specific auction houses I should be looking at? I'd be wanting something like a mid-sized John Deere that can mow, rototill, pull shovels, pull a disc -- the mythical all-in-one. I'm also open to other suggestions. If you were looking to invest, what would you do? Any advice is appreciated. Farmer Mentor Answers: I think...Read more
Happy Fall EcoFarmers! This E-News arrives as we are in the midst of wrapping up the EcoFarm 2016 Conference Agenda. Stay tuned for the line-up of conference workshops, pre-conferences and more! An announcement will go out as soon as our website and online registration is up and running by October 28th. In the meantime, read on and take a look at this year's fabulous sponsors listed below. We thank them for making the 36th annual EcoFarm Conference possible. Conference Art by Kim Hamblin.Read more
It's almost here! The 26th Annual National Bioneers Conference will take place in San Rafael, CA from October 16-18. The three day gathering will bring attendees together and provide them the opportunity to connect with change-makers, leaders, and community activists for emerging conversations about practical, visionary solutions for the world’s urgent environmental & social challenges. The conference will feature speakers, performers, workshops, and discussions covering topics from climate mitigation, to indigenous knowledge, to restorative justice, and much more...Read more
The 28th annual Hoes Down Harvest Festival right around the corner! Can you believe that autumn is just a few days away? Come celebrate harvest time with the farmers at the annual Hoes Down Harvest Celebration on Saturday, October 3rd and Sunday, October 4th to honor agricultural arts and sustainable rural living. Two fun-filled days of events and seminars for all ages will take place at Full Belly Farm in rural Capay Valley. This 28th annual event offers the public a special opportunity to connect with rural life and deepen our understanding of the local food system...Read more
