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Freshie Award for Young & Beginning Farmers

EcoFarm is launching its first annual Freshie Award to recognize the work of beginning and young farmers, as the next generation of leaders working to cultivate just and resilient food systems.
The Freshie Award will be presented in-person at the 43rd annual EcoFarm Conference. Awardees will be presented with an engraved gourd, travel to Asilomar, and full conference registration with meals and lodging.
We are inviting the community (that means you!) to participate through an open nomination process. Is there someone you’d like to nominate for this award? 

Eligibility requirements

Awardees must reside in California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaiʻi, or Alaska and are:

- An individual who has been farming or ranching in the US for 10 years or less


- A farmer or rancher 35 years of age or under

Self nominations are accepted. Urban growers, BIPOC individuals, women, and LGBTQ producers encouraged to apply

Selection Criteria

- Utilizes organic, agroecological, and/or regenerative practices

- Employs innovative production, farm labor management, marketing or processing practices

- Exercises a leadership role in policy advocacy or education on issues related to sustainable agriculture, food justice, labor, food sovereignty, or agroecology

- Serves as a role model for other young or beginning producers

- Earns at least part of their livelihood through farming or ranching

Nominations are due here by November 15, 2022