How did America’s farms change from occasional pesticide use to a poison-drenched landscape? How did pest control-based conventional ag become the accepted norm, while organic, regenerative, and sustainable farms have had to fight to exist? According to some reports, as many as 30 million bee colonies have been killed since 1990, accompanied by a 75% insect-biomass crash. Unfortunately, chemical interests didn’t achieve this dominance and destruction by themselves. They have been greatly aided by many public university entomology departments, whose narrow, purely 'pest control’ understanding of agriculture is in fundamental conflict with serious efforts to create poison-free landscapes that are safe for bees. This panel will expose the chemical and pesticide industry’s influences on our food system, unmask major players, and identify a pesticide mentality directing the honeybee story. Agriculture and apiculture viewed through a 'pest control’ lens only creates poisonous crops, unsafe both for bees and humans. A discussion group will immediately follow.
*Approved for 1.5 DPR CE hours for Pest Control Advisors