Bringing It Home (52 mins, 2013)
Thursday, 12:15 pm in Chapel
Industrial hemp (a non-psychoactive plant) is grown in 31 countries around the globe and used in thousands of sustainable products, including textiles, building materials, food products, bio-plastics, auto parts and more. Here in the U.S., hemp has potential as a money-making crop, but remains off-limits to almost all U.S. farmers, although research is legal in some states.
This screening of BRINGING IT HOME is hosted by Hempstead Project Heart. Post film discussion with indigenous poet and orator John Trudell and special guests.
Unacceptable Levels (76 mins, 2013)
Thursday, 7 pm in Chapel
Over 80,000 chemicals flow through our system of commerce, and many straight into our bodies, even affecting unborn children. Until recently, contemporary science did not comprehend the consequences for humans over the long term, but that is changing. UNACCEPTABLE LEVELS opens the door for conversations about the chemical burdens our bodies carry, helping us make informed decisions now and in the future.
Filmmaker Ed Brown will be available after the screening for a Q&A.