Please join us as we learn about the legacy of two long time farmer activists. A chance to learn from those who have contributed much to the world of agriculture.
Wendy Johnson, 70, lived and trained at San Francisco Zen Center Green Gulch Farm in Muir Beach, CA from 1975-2000. She is one of the founders of the Organic Farm and Garden Program at Green Gulch, the head gardener for decades, a lay Buddhist dharma teacher, the author of Gardening at the Dragon’s Gate, a garden mentor to the Edible Schoolyard program in Berkeley, College of Marin instructor at the Indian Valley Organic Farm and Garden project, community activist, inspiring speaker and instructor to thousands, and much more.
Chris Bunn, 72, is a second-generation Salinas vegetable grower whose father began shipping Bunny brand lettuce in 1927. His family helped establish the Salinas Valley Vegetable Exchange, a very early example of growers getting together to market as a group. Chris grew up in a very dynamic farming community that has seen huge change over the 100 years. A Farm Bureau board member, he converted a significant portion of his rich Salinas Valley bottomland to organic production of lettuce, celery and brassicas in the 90’s, including “The Farm”, a 15-acre veggie demonstration plot and farmstand just off Highway 68, peppered with large murals by artist John Cerney that depict the largely immigrant labor force responsible for making Monterey County “the Salad Bowl of the World.”