¿Cómo contribuye la agricultura orgánica a un suelo sano y a la resiliencia en condiciones de sequía? Esta sesión se enfoca en algunas formas innovadoras en las que los agricultores están lidiando con las restricciones de agua en la sequía de California. El panel debatirá sobre técnicas de administración del suelo, el agua y los cultivos para condiciones de sequía en diversas situaciones. Los participantes compartirán sus propias experiencias para ejemplificar cómo la preservación y la administración agrícola holística pueden ayudar durante épocas de variabilidad climática.
Track and Session Info
En Español
F | 3:30 pm
Date and Location
Nikiko Masumoto
Nikiko Masumoto
Presenter Affiliation:
Masumoto Family Farm
Nikiko Masumoto lives through farming and creating. Born in the Central Valley of California, she spent her childhood slurping over-ripe peaches on the Masumoto Family Farm. Nikiko has never missed a summer harvest. In 2007 she graduated with Highest Honors from UC Berkeley with a B.A. in Gender and Women’s Studies. It was there that she realized she wanted to return to the Valley to farm. But first she completed a Master of Arts in Performance as Public Practice from UT Austin. Her area of research focused on the performance of memory and Japanese American history, specifically the movement for Redress. Nikiko continues to develop her creative practices, exploring civic practice, creative entrepreneurship, storytelling, and site-specific performance. On most days you can find her on a tractor, dreaming of projects yet to be born.
Stephen Gliessman
Stephen Gliessman
Presenter Affiliation:
Condor's Hope
Michael Cahn
Michael Cahn
Presenter Affiliation:
UC Cooperative Extension